The Helix Finance roadmap is currently in progress and may be subject to change. As a protocol, it is important to understand the importance of adaptability.
Phase 1
1.1 Development of Helix Finance Helix Finance is a one-of-a-kind decentralized finance protocol. For the most advanced and smooth operating system our top-of-the-line web3, blockchain and smart contract developers forked the best aspects of several protocols to create the magnum opus of tombforks. The development of Helix Finance focused on creating a seamless user experience for investors and community members. Prior to any marketing, the protocol has tolerated relentless testing procedures for a variety of different possible situations. Our team has created a playbook of responses for all types of emergency situations, understanding that confidence in a plan of action is paramount in dire circumstances.
1.2 Renounce token contracts
Undoubtedly the worst idiosyncrasy in decentralized finance is the dishonesty involved in scam tokens and protocols. Today we see numerous projects come and go on a daily basis. Tyrants abuse their power by manipulating individuals to invest in rug-pulls and other malicious organizations. Luckily investors are becoming more intelligent and doing their own due-diligence. We believe renounced ownership of all contracts should be an industry standard in order to protect communities. Although not impossible, renouncing ownership makes it significantly more difficult to rug-pull. We plan to renounce all contracts prior to the start of the genesis pool.
1.3 Marketing Push
Crypto markets and especially decentralized finance evolve at lightning speeds in comparison to more traditional investments. Because of this, we must continue to market on a daily basis in order to remain relevant and trending. The protocol itself must evolve just as rapidly as the market and changes will be presented in the forms of videos, graphs, and posts written by the team as well as social media influencers and YouTubers. Pre-genesis we will commence by demonstrating our detailed plans for the future in the form of a roadmap to gain the attention of the defi community. Afterwards, we will keep their gaze by completing all endeavors in timely manners. We plan to be what politicians never achieved, and we hope our community pushes to elect us to the frontier of defi by voting with their dollars and spreading our influence.
1.4 48hr Genesis Pool
Genesis pools are becoming more standard in the defi network. They are, however, often used for incorrect purposes that often cause more harm than good. Firstly, I’d like to address the question; What is a Genesis Pool? A Genesis Pool (GPool) is traditionally a decentralized cross-chain launchpad that enables projects to raise capital in an interoperable environment from their community of investors. In the world of tomb forks, it’s simply a method to distribute the original supply of governance tokens fairly. Early investors will deposit ‘x’ amount of ‘y’ token to earn the new “peg-coin” (governance token). For our genesis pool we plan to use: DNA/USDC, USDC, QUICK, wBTC
1.5 Start of LP pools After 48 hours of genesis, LP Farms will begin. We plan on keeping farms very basic to promote a simple user interface and well-distributed allocations. The pools will be as follows: P1 $DNA/$USDC P2 $RNA/$USDC P3 $DNA/$RNA P4 $DNA single stake P1 $DNA/$USDC is the primary pool to increase liquidity and buy pressure of the peg-coin. This pool should be a top priority to maintain a healthy protocol above TWAP, so that the boardroom can keep on printing. P2 $RNA/$USDC is the primary pool to increase liquidity and price of the share-coin. P3 $DNA/$RNA is a pool for those feeling especially bullish on the protocol. In this pool you can support both coins. If they are both rising in value, this pool would be the source of the most significant gains depending on allocations. P4 $DNA single stake will not be available if the protocol’s genesis pool goes smoothly. This pool is for the recovery of the peg-coin. Allocations in this pool will be raised anytime the governance token is uncomfortably close or beneath the pegged value. The boardroom will open 12 hours after LP Farms.
Phase 2
Add a function to wrap both $RNA as well as $DNA for cross-chain
Create a limited order system for the bond redeem function.
Introduce a zap-like feature for new participants in the protocol.
Use part of DAO funds to create protocol-owned liquidity (POL).
Use part of the DAO to gain more funds in case we need to buy back in the future.
Partnerships with various projects in ecosystem to improve utility of both $DNA and $RNA.
NFT release with some use cases.
Farming on partner networks to earn both $RNA and partners' tokens, which we can use for a higher APR.
Multi-chain competitions are on the horizon.
Use of $DNA and $RNA as collateral to borrow stablecoins.
Implement some of TradeFi into DeFi using $DNA/$RNA as the main tokens.
Last updated